One spring, when I was guarding the bathroom from having more than one student in it at a time — protecting the world against the black market of correct or incorrect answers in the standardized testing, or Pearson Go-Fund-Me, of Texas — I decided to learn to use the application Apple Pages. May Band Parent meetings were upcoming and mainly for incoming folks — and the world — I wanted to demonstrate that high school band was much more than marching band AND that if you wanted to be successful in the fall, all of these other elements were required. Thus, the L.D. Bell Band Curriculum Timeline. You can see by the weird shading and slightly odd placements of objects in the graphic that this was indeed a novice work product. However, at that time, it still looked better than anything Microsoft and did what it needed to do — represent the year in a digestible way. It separates the individual from the ensemble and shows what is upcoming past the Bands of America Grand National Championships.
So, the suggestion is to create a Year at a Glance infographic. Creating this resource is half your value (and if you have staff, your staff).